This was a very fun Christmas to watch through the eyes of my children. Bear with me as I recall the highlights I want to write and remember.
Nativity Scene
I have always wanted a small nativity scene for my Christmas collection, but never got around to getting one when Matt are I were DINKs. While out shopping this fall, Meredith and I found the Little People Christmas Story set. I was pretty excited because the kids didn't have to be super careful and could hopefully learn a little more about the Birth of Jesus. It's been such a sweet blessing to hear Meredith say "That's Mary" and "That's the angel" and "That's Baby Jesus" during the Advent season. But, my favorite memory of this set is when she started playing library story time with all her nativity friends inside her bounce house. You see, Meredith LOVES story time, and replays it for us many times a week. So, I guess its only natural for her to share it with her favorite dolls.
Sick boy
Not that I really want to remember, but these have been a rough few days for Russ. He's just been fussy and clingy -- very un-Russ like. However, it has been nice to cuddle with my fast-growing boy.
New Foods to Try (or Not)
As with most foods, Russ enjoyed the the delicious Christmas cuisine. Matt said "He has some Davis in him" as we watched him quickly devour some Ham and Cheese Casserole. He also tried his hand at some of the candy, and was not disappointed with Divinity.
Meredith happily enjoyed her Mac and Cheese, and was probably counting down the hours until Chick-fil-A opened again.
Toys R Us (formerly known as the Lipsey office/playroom)
Generous grandparents, family, and friends have reached the toy quota for our home. Matt, Meredith and I have been playing a Hybrid form of the game Lucky Ducks at least three times a day since Christmas. Russ loves his "boy toy" trucks and cars. Both kids are very blessed to have such generous people in their lives. But wait -- lest I forget that the Big boy also liked his new Wii game as well.
Music to Remember
As with most years, PHBC's music ministry has filled my time for much of the past month. Playing in morning services the first two Sundays reminded me of the songs that have been sung by several generations of believers and guides our hearts to the Savior. The marathon Adult Christmas performances allowed me to play my Christmas present, a piccolo. My precious Pre-K choir members did a FANTASTIC job with their very first performance. They sang their hearts out, and the proud parents were excited that their darlings enjoyed singing in front of the church family. It was also neat to play in a flute quartet for the Christmas Eve service this year. Can you ever really have too many flute players ;)
Thanks for hanging in there with me!