Saturday, December 22, 2007

The First Week Home with Russ

What a busy week it has been! So, we got home from the hospital last weekend and started our new life as a family of four. Matt was able to take off work last week, which made things a lot easier on Rachel and made for a fun week for Ms. Meredith. She may be disappointed when its just her, Russ, and Momma come Wednesday.

Meredith is adjusting well to being a big sister. She loves to give Russ kisses and hugs, and wants to "hold" him whenever she gets a chance. Russ has continued to be a very easy going baby. Still doesn't like diaper changes or being naked, but is pretty content either being held, in his cradle or just laying down looking at everyone. Hopefully he will continue to be such a laid back kid.

Here are some pictures from our first week at home. Thanks for your continued prayers!

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Meredith pointing out "Eyes, Nose, Mouth....."

Can't Forget about Tummy Time!

Hey, this bath thing isn't so bad.....

Well, maybe it is!


Beth said...

He is SO cute! I love the picture of him in the Santa hat!

Rebekah said...

Congrats! Baby Russ is too cute! I hope you all are doing well!