Wednesday, January 30, 2008

I am Happy

If you are around Meredith for any length of time, you will probably hear her sing "The Happy Song." In her Sunday School class, the teachers sing the happy song (I am happy, I am happy, Meredith's here today) for each child who is there. They let the child named stand on a bucket while they are singing the song about them.

So, finally after seeing the song in action -- I began to understand why Meredith was standing on anything she could ---books, DVD cases, mini-DVD player, probably would have tried her brother.....--- and saying "happy, happy blah blah blah day" in a loud, dramatic voice. Low and behold, getting out of the car one day she finds her very own bucket in the garage. And here we are today:

So if you hear Matt or I humming some familiar tune, you know why:)

As far as the little man, I am happy to say that Russ is currently like this at the moment:

Thank you, God for two kids napping at the same time! I am indeed happy.


Megan said...

I've never heard that song. Sounds cute!

-Shane, Michele & Wolffe said...

Too Cute!

Mauree said...

Getting the kids to nap at the same time almost feels like a work of art some days :)!

Leslie said...

Rachel--I love keeping up with your little ones. They are the cutest! Meredith always makes me smile.

Stephanie said...

Meredith is growing up so fast!!

Rebekah said...

That is so funny! Kids make me laugh!

Emily said...

Love the bows! Sens me a pic and I'll put her on my blog!