So this week, since I have been busy with my garden and I ran into this picture; I thought I would flashback to our first garden experience. As you can tell, it was pretty pathetic! Three lonely and very small sweet potatoes was all we got our first tryout. Now, extension will always tell you "Get a soil sample, it will help you." Yes -- please do, or you'll end up like these sweet things.
This year is going pretty strong. We have enjoyed our over-wintered greens, our garlic looks good (at least from above ground), our herbs have popped back up, and we just planted some tomatoes, eggplant, and squash. Lets hope that those blossom, because I heard that tomatoes went up 28% since last year. Yikes!
You may be asking yourself, "Well, do the kids like to garden?" Well, Meredith does enjoy being outside, and she also likes to water the plants and gets her shovel out and "helps." She has learned the words lettuce and spinach and points to those rows of plants. We think she's pretty special :) I'm sure Russ will be playing in the garden soon enough
Jon and Erica Visit
8 years ago